Yet another blog about WPF, Surface, SL, MVVM, NUI.... - Tag - MainJavaFXScript In this blog we talk about WPF, Natural User Interface(NUI), Microsoft Surface, WIndows 7, Multitouch, Touchless, JavaFX, MVVM, patterns, tips, tricks .... and a lot of other things ! en Tue, 23 Jul 2024 07:59:42 +0200 Jonathan ANTOINE, All rights reserved Dotclear Deploy a JavaFX app as an applet with the Java Deployement Toolkit... (Updated twice) urn:md5:bd919a892ba549376b2cc777d43de94b Mon, 08 Dec 2008 01:04:00 +0100 JavaFX appjarJavaFXJavaFX scriptjnlpMainJavaFXScriptNetbeansScriptwebStart <p>Yesterday I tried to write my first JavaFX... I Found it quite easy.... It's name was "VideoPlayer". But when I tried to put it on a web page and deploy it as an java Applet it became a Nightmare ! First I tried to use the code Netbeans give me in my 'dist' folder... It worked well on my computer but not when I putted it on my web site... I... <a href=""><em>Read</em> Deploy a JavaFX app as an applet with the Java Deployement Toolkit... (Updated twice)</a></p>