Yet another blog about WPF, Surface, SL, MVVM, NUI.... - Tag - api In this blog we talk about WPF, Natural User Interface(NUI), Microsoft Surface, WIndows 7, Multitouch, Touchless, JavaFX, MVVM, patterns, tips, tricks .... and a lot of other things ! en Tue, 23 Jul 2024 07:59:42 +0200 Jonathan ANTOINE, All rights reserved Dotclear How to create an hand writing to text control (ink recognizer) urn:md5:f9aea256e97acb32c48044cd92d26be4 Mon, 25 Oct 2010 00:01:00 +0200 MultiTouch apicontrolscustomdemohow tohow-tomanipulationmathmultitouchNatural User InterfacesampleTemplatetesttestingteststipstrickWindows Presentation FoundationWPFXAML <p>When building a (multi)touch application you may need one nice feature : translate hand-written text to real words. This open a whole new world full of possibilities like starting some actions when keywords are recognized or simply allow the users to write some text for later use.&nbsp;<br /><br /><strong>In this post we'll see all the step to create an hand writing to text control and how to tune it.</strong></p> <p>Specifications The HandWritingToText controls translate the text written with it's hand by the user into "computer text". The final purpose is to triggers some actions when a specific keyword is recognized and it'll so be able to recognize only one word at a time and not a whole text.   The recognized text will be published via an event and... <a href=""><em>Read</em> How to create an hand writing to text control (ink recognizer)</a></p> Tips: increase performances when using D3DImage in WPF urn:md5:69657747ffdff791f74f6e9d149aa55e Thu, 17 Sep 2009 11:20:00 +0200 WPF 3DapiD3DImageWPF <p>Hello, Often when you read articles explaining how to use a D3DImage in your WPF application you use code which directly handle the CompositorTarget.Rendering event by updating the 3D world... This can lead to performance problems. For example in my application, WPF refresh the display with a FPS of 160 : the handler which recreate the 3D image... <a href=""><em>Read</em> Tips: increase performances when using D3DImage in WPF</a></p> Create your VideoPlayer with JavaFX, part two. urn:md5:02c8323ec5508474f880af58ddec889a Sun, 14 Dec 2008 13:13:00 +0100 JavaFX apiJavaFXJavaFX scriptmediaPlayermediaViewMouseButton.PRIMARYMouseEventonMouseEnteredonMouseExitedsuntweenvideo <p>Let's continue pur story about creating our own media player What will we do in our second part ? : Display the meta-information of our video. Create animation and triggers to show it in a non-disturbing way. Add some triggers to our video : play/pause on click. Double-clic to resume the video Enjoy ourselves! Display the meta-informations... <a href=""><em>Read</em> Create your VideoPlayer with JavaFX, part two.</a></p>