
When you create WPF applications, you may (or you should !) use the M-V-VM pattern and so have to use/create ViewModel. The viewModel job is mainly to expose properties of your businessObjects to your views, ready for binding.

To be ready for the binding the most used solution is to implement INotifyPropertyChanged and to fire events fo every change made. An issue is that you often do not create the business object used by the application which are created by another team and that these object are not ready for binding. So you must find a solution to create an object which will in fact be very similar of your business object BUT ready for binding.

In this serie of post I will try to give some of the solution we can use to do so. A list of all the article is here..

Wrap your business object(solution 1 of n)

The first solution which appears in every developper's brain is to wrap theBusinessObject(BO) into the viewmodel. Every properties of your ViewModel will actually be some kind of proxy to/from the underlying BO.

For example let's take for granted that you have a businessObject like this :

/// <summary>
/// I'am the business object created by another team. I'am not binding-aware : shame on me !
/// </summary>
public class MyBusinessObject
  public String LastName { get; set; }
  public String FirstName { get; set; }
  public int Age { get; set; }
  public List<String> FriendsName { get; set; }

You will then gives the Business object to your viewModel which will act as a proxy. the result will be something like this :

public class ViewModelWrapped : ViewModelBase
private MyBusinessObject _myBusinessObject;
private ObservableCollection<String> _friendsName;
public ViewModelWrapped(MyBusinessObject myBusinessObject)
  _myBusinessObject = myBusinessObject;
  _friendsName = new ObservableCollection<string>(myBusinessObject.FriendsName);
public String FirstName
  get { return _myBusinessObject.FirstName; }
    _myBusinessObject.FirstName = value;
public String LastName
  get { return _myBusinessObject.LastName; }
    _myBusinessObject.LastName = value;
public int Age
  get { return _myBusinessObject.Age; }
    _myBusinessObject.Age = value;
public ObservableCollection<String> FriendsName
  get { return _friendsName; }
    if (value != null)
      _myBusinessObject.FriendsName = value.ToList<String>();

Notes : Something interesting to look at is how we wrap our collections to make them bindable : quite a job ! More over the model and the viewModel list are no more synched... The list object itself is synched but the operation on the collection will be made on the viewModel collection and no more on the model collection. In this case adding or removing a friend's name will affect only the ViewModel and not the model.

Pros and cons

Pro :

  • The name of the properties exposed to your views can be differents from those in the business object
  • It's very easy to understand the code when you read it again, even a few months later


  • It's a very boring job to re-create the properties of the viewModel to map those from the BO
  • Collection and Set of the model are no more synched with the ViewModel
  • Copy-cut code can leads to error, especially when raising INotifyPropertyChanged events where case matters

NB: I've found an article of Josh Smit on this subject that you may find useful too.
and this link too : MVVM: To Wrap or Not to Wrap? How much should the ViewModel wrap the Model? (Part 1)

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