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UIAutomation, Coded UI tests, AutomationPeer and WPF/silverlight custom controls

24 March 2011

The Coded UI Tests, available in Visual Studio Ultimate or Premium, enable the creation of automated tests for the User Interface. This is a really nice feature because you are no more forced to make "hand made" tests which takes hours to be performed. 

The WPF controls in the framework are ready to be used by the Microsoft UI Automation which is itself used by the coded UI tests. This means that when you use the screen recorder to record the tests on your UI, it will be able to find the several control used in your application.

When you create you own custom controls or extend standard one, the recorder would not be able to find them at first and so a whole part of the screen may not be available for tests. Actually, it is possible to record a test but every steps will be done using screen position: click at (120,30), drag from (120,30) to (10,40). This is really annoying because any changes in the UI may broke all your tests.

In this post, we will see how to make a custom control fully useable in Coded UI tests scenarii. We will so answer the question "Why cannot the code UI test recorder find anything inside my WPF or Silverlight custom control ?"

Note: the same technique is used by the accessibility clients and by enabling this feature you also ease the people using your application through UI automation client like the partially-sighted person.

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How to create an hand writing to text control (ink recognizer)

25 October 2010

When building a (multi)touch application you may need one nice feature : translate hand-written text to real words. This open a whole new world full of possibilities like starting some actions when keywords are recognized or simply allow the users to write some text for later use. 

In this post we'll see all the step to create an hand writing to text control and how to tune it.

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WPF tip : How can I use static/dynamic resources in my tests

24 September 2010

You are surely, as I am, creating a lot of units tests in your WPF applications.

Some of the tests may use statics or dynamics resources declared in your application and when you launch the tests, all you get is an XamlParseException exception thrown.

System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: 'Provide value on 'System.Windows.StaticResourceExtension' threw an exception.' Line number '11' and line position '83'.
---> System.Exception: Cannot find resource named 'myStaticResource'. Resource names are case sensitive.

The tip to make them work is quite simple to use. What is actually happening ? : the created control is looking for the resource via the classic russian puppets system and does not find the application because the tests does not create it. And the application is exactly where you have declared the needed ressources. So all we've got to do is to create the application and initialize it before running the tests.

Also we called the InitializeComponent() methods to make sure the application is initialized. It seems that this last part is only necessary if the resources are from the same assembly than the application.

So just add this method to your tests classes :

/// <summary>
///Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
/// </summary>
/// <param name="testContext">The test context.</param>
public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
  //Create the application for resources.
  if (System.Windows.Application.Current == null)
    App application = new App();

The App.xaml content is below:

<Application x:Class="MyAssembly.App" xmlns=""
      <myLib:ViewModelLocator x:Key="myStaticResource" />

Here we are !

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