I am currently confronted to this problem: detect double clic in JavaFX.

What I want to do :

When you make a double click, you click twice, so this is what will occurs:

  • The first click will be catch and the simpleClickAction will be done (because clickCount != 2) ---> I don't want it : this is a double click and I want the simpleClick action to be perform only on single click !,
  • The second click will be catch and the double clickAction will be done --> This is what I want.

So what I want is :

  • To perform a simpleClick action on single click only (and not those which are part of a double click),
  • To perform a double click action on doubleClick only.

How I did it

In swing this is done by using timer. So why not do the same with a Timeline in JavaFX.

This is how I solve the problem (the code is also linked to this post) :

 * Main.fx
 * Created on 14 déc. 2008, 15:10:59
package fr.antoinj.detectdoubleclick;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import javafx.scene.text.FontWeight;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
 * @author Jonathan
var textContent = "Nothing detected";
var clickInTheLastFewMoments: Boolean = false;
var lastLauchedTimeLine:Timeline ;
var clickedTimeLine: Timeline= Timeline {
    keyFrames: [KeyFrame {
            time: 0s
        KeyFrame {
            time: 200ms
function simpleClick(){
    textContent="Simple click detected";
function doubleClick(){
    textContent="Double click detected";
Stage {
    title: "How I detect doubleClick in JavaFX"
    width: 400
    height: 80
    scene: Scene {
        content: Group{
            content: [Rectangle {
                    x: 75,
                    y: 0
                    width: 400,
                    height: 50
                    fill: Color.BLACK
                    onMouseClicked: function(me:MouseEvent){
                        }else {
                Rectangle {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0
                    width: 75
                    height: 50
                    fill: Color.ORANGERED
                    onMouseClicked: function(me:MouseEvent){
                        textContent="Nothing detected";
                Text {
                    font: Font.font("Verdana",FontWeight.BOLD,12)
                    fill: Color.BLACK
                    x: 8
                    y: 25
                    content: "REFRESH"
                Text {
                    font: Font.font("Verdana",FontWeight.MEDIUM,24)
                    x: 80
                    y: 30
                    content: bind textContent;

You can also see a demo of this javaFx apps here : link to the demo page or launch this JNLP : link to the JNLP

My question is : Do you have a better way to do this ?